Saturday, October 18, 2014

Time for a change

Is my Diet Good?
Once you acquire a general knowledge on what healthy eating encompasses, the next step is to take a close and personal look to your diet.

My Diet:
 For the most, I eat healthy food. I eat a variety of vegetables. I limit red meat, and eat mostly poultry and seafood. I love fruits, and though I could get carried away, I try not to eat more than 2 fruits a day. I drink plenty of water! Love water! Very rare, I have fast food, sweets, chocolate, fried foods or prepackaged foods. I cook every day, and  I strive for using fresh ingredients. I work out 5 times a week. I have  a cardiovascular routine with strength exercises.I also use Super Tracker from Myplate to keep a daily personal journal of my food intake.
My biggest problem is portion control. I eat a lot of food,  I am known for that! I have never watched my portions.  I also enjoy a lot of white rice, bread, and I love pasta! I don't time my meals. Breakfast is a foreign concept for me.  A normal day,  I get up at 4:00 a.m. I have a cup of coffee in the morning, and my first meal is about 2:00 p.m. My next meal is about 7:00 and those two meals are extremely big. Some days I eat very little, and some days I can't stop eating! Though I don't really eat desserts, I eat plenty of hard sour candies. From analyzing my personal diet there are some changes that need to take place.

My Changes: 
  I have realized that though I don't eat too bad, my eating habits need some tweaking. I have replaced bread for whole grain bread. I am not eating white rice at all. It's been three weeks! I am not saying white rice is horrible for you, and everyone should refrain from eating white rice. I just simply chose not to eat it anymore. I have added quinoa to  my diet. I am also very happy to report, I have not eaten any candy in the last three weeks either. When I feel the need to go for sugar, I go for a fruit instead.  I started timing my meals,  and now I am aiming for six small meals through out the day. This is hard! It has been my biggest challenge, but I will continue to try until I master the concept of portion control and timing. It is all about behavior modification, and retraining your mind. Small changes yield big results, It is a lifestyle change! I want to live longer and stay healthy--

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